Burano - Things to do in Burano and how to get there from Venice

Burano is one of the islands of the archipelago of the Venetian Lagoon and is totally worth a visit. The island is located to the north of Venice, very near Torcello, and is famous for its lace and coloured houses: a really recommendable visit.

Burano is an island in the Lagoon of Venice. It is located to the north of Venice, very near Torcello, and is famous for its lacemaking.

The island with about 4,000 inhabitants has a curious leaning bell tower that is visible from a distance.

Burano has become one of the most visited islands for its colourful houses. Every so often, it's compulsory for the neighbours to paint the façades of their homes and they are not allowed to choose the colour but are notified of the specific shade according to where their residence is located. A legend is told that the houses were painted with bright and cheerful colours so that the sailors could see them on gloomy or foggy days.

How to Get to Burano?

The easiest ways of getting to Burano from Venice are the following:

Definitely Worthwhile

Visitors will only need one or two hours to visit Burano since it's a very small island. If you want to keep on exploring the Venetian Lagoon and its islands, we suggest taking a Vaporetto to Torcello once you have visited the island of Burano.