General Information about Venice
What clothes should I pack? Should I buy an Italian dictionary? Is Venice very expensive? To give you answers to your doubts, we have written a list of the most frequently asked questions and our observations about Venice.
Venice Sestieri
San Marco
San Polo
Santa Croce
Fun Facts
Acqua Alta
Livio de Marchi Gallery
Church of San Barnaba
Ponte dei Pugni
More Information
Venice Facts & Figures
Venice has over 260,000 inhabitants.
Travel Advice
If you're from the EU, you'll only need a passport or an identity card to enter Italy.
Security and Crime
Venice is a very safe city, but we recommend always keeping an eye on your purse or wallet, as there are pickpockets in the city centre, especially in the most touristy areas.
Health Care
As in the rest of Europe, to receive free health care in Venice you need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This card is free of charge and is issued by your national health insurance provider.
The EHIC does not cover expenses such as transfer by ambulance, stays of family members or changes to the return travel plan.
If you're a British citizen, you'll need a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). You can see more information about getting one here.
For more complete coverage, you can purchase our travel insurance.
Important Telephone Numbers
- Emergencies: 113
- Sanitary emergencies: 118
- Carabinieri: 112
- Area code for Venice: 041
- Italy country code: +39